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Take a Blink Break

Tracy Hooper

The pandemic has created all kinds of unexpected changes for us. One massive change is that most of us are meeting on Zoom or its equivalent, many times a day for over a year now.

Besides being mentally taxing, it’s hard on our eyes. They can get dry from all that screen time.

Dr. Mila Ioussifova is an Optometrist & Dry Eye Specialist. She told me that on average, we should be blinking15 times every minute because blinking lubricates our eyes. When we stare at our screens by day: emailing, creating PowerPoints, reading documents, being on video calls and texting and then binging on Netflix by night, we don’t blink 15 times a minute. Dr. Mila says, we blink 4-5 times a minute!

The result is that our hard-working eyes become dry and irritated. It’s that burning, scratchy feeling. I’ve had it. Dr. Mila taught me to take a break from the screen every 20-minutes and blink for 20-seconds.

It helps.

As a leader, you can model this technique to encourage your team to take care of themselves. When you offer something practical like a “blink break” it communicates to your colleagues that you care about them and their health and their well-being. It’s a small, out-of-the-box Model & Teach approach to leadership.

For the next 30-days, try it.

The world has changed in countless, unimaginable and many negative ways.

Here’s one way to change-up your leadership, positively.

Thank you for reading.

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