Tracy has a gift for business communication that cuts through jargon and offers language to build understanding, trust, and confidence.
Geoff Adams, President
Bolton Health & Regards
In her wildly successful confidence playbook, The NEW Hello, Tracy Hooper taught readers around the world What to Say and What to Do in The New World of Work during a global pandemic. Now Tracy’s back, answering the big question, how do you carry yourself with Confidence NOW? Welcome to The NOW Hello: What to Say What to Do in The World of Work: Remote | Hybrid | In Person.
If you are ready to:
Speak with influence and impact online or in person
Lead your remote or hybrid team confidently
Promote your accomplishments when you work from home
Communicate with co-workers, prospects, and clients with ease
Network with confidence in any setting
…The NOW Hello is for you.
In each chapter, Tracy teaches you new skills and techniques to support your remote, hybrid or return-to-office work. Topics include, Camera Confidence, Words to LOSE and Words to USE, The NOW Networking, Confident Conversations, The Hybrid Highway and much more.
Tracy draws on the best of her background in TV news to tell real-life stories that show you how to elevate your personal and professional presence and build Confidence. You can use The NOW Hello in every area of your life . . . for the rest of your life.
Confidence can be learned.
It's a new world and Tracy's book will help you be brave and confident in it. The NEW Hello is a modern civility handbook that shows you how to be both gracious and effective.
Lisa Zigarmi, Organizational Psychologist | Leadership Coach
Are you challenged in navigating your professional life in a world that changed overnight? At times you might be asking yourself:
How do I master the technical and personal demands of video conferencing?
How do I confidently present myself while wearing a mask and social distancing?
How can I teach my team to communicate effectively online with their colleagues and clients?
How can I grow my career and show my ROI when working from home?
How can I elevate my language so I am seen, heard and respected?
If you are asking these questions for yourself or your team, The NEW Hello is for you. This book is packed with skills wrapped in stories, that are memorable, actionable, and easily shared.
You will discover:
10 proven techniques to elevate how you present yourself on video calls with confidence.
Power phrases to enter and exit conversations with ease, in-person or online.
Model and Teach leadership techniques for clear communication and productivity.
Ideas and pro-tips to enhance your professional presence anywhere.
Words to LOSE replaced by Words to USE that are impactful and influential.
The NEW Hello is a pocket guide to help you prepare and navigate interactions, in-person or online, so you can carry yourself and respond with confidence. Pull it out right before a first time, face-to-face meeting with a prospect. Review certain chapters before reconnecting with a client, colleague, or friend. Glance at techniques ahead of a business video conference when the stakes are high.
Confidence accommodates change.
Confidence is an equal-opportunity project.
Confidence can be learned.

Tracy Hooper
Tracy Bagli Hooper launched The Confidence Project to help leaders and professionals build unshakable confidence and advance their careers. As a TV news reporter, anchor and producer, Tracy honed the art of standing in her own personal power.
But, the reason Tracy is sought as a speaker and trainer by companies like NIKE, Intel, and Kaiser Permanente is because she observed firsthand the disconnect leaders and teams experience when they can’t make their fullest contribution, collaborate with others and advance their organization’s mission. Tracy knows that a Confident Company Cultureâ„ is an asset that aligns organizations to advance performance and innovation that sets them apart from the competition.