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  • Tracy Hooper

Networking GOLD

Sometimes, I forget what I wrote in my own book. The NOW Hello! And when I re-read it, I think, “Wow! That is good!”

Recently, I presented “Confident Networking Techniques” to a sales team at a large energy company.  I suggested some effective email and LinkedIn ideas. And I offered some other tangible ways to connect with prospects or stay in touch with clients to keep the relationship fresh.

As I was preparing for the presentation, I reviewed Chapter 9, called The NOW Networking.

Here is Networking GOLD: I call it, “The Give. Give. Give. Ask. approach.”

Here’s a GIVE: Whenever I read an article, watch a TED Talk, or listen to a podcast that reminds me of someone in my professional world, I email that person the link. 

Here’s what I sent this week to a client at Nike:

Subject Line: I thought about you when I heard this podcast.

Hi Kieran,

Hope all’s well.

I thought about you when I heard about this podcast called “Acquired.”  The headline about it in the WSJ got my attention. It said: “The Smartest People in the Room Are All Listening to the Same Podcast.”

Get ready for deep dives. The Nike episode is 4 hours, 2 minutes, and 55-seconds! The Nvidia, Hermes and Microsoft are longer! And totally worth the listen.



Here’s another GIVE:

Send a real newspaper clipping in the U.S. mail.

Once a client of mine told me once that every morning, she cannot make a phone call or answer an email until she drinks her coffee. And she’s trying to quit!

Today, I found this article in the Wall Street Journal:

Headline: “Executives, Sports Stars and Celebrities Skip Coffee for Good.”

Subtitle: “Public figures brag about the benefits of getting through the day without caffeine.”

 You got it. I cut out the article, wrote a quick, “You can do it” on a sticky. I’ll slip it into a Confidence Project envelope, pop on a stamp and put it into the mailbox.

A newspaper article isn’t as cool as getting a check in the mail, but it sure beats another bill or solicitation or political flier.

Give. Give. Give. Ask.

Over time, if you’re a “Giver,” and focus on building relationships, then when you need to ask for a favor, a recommendation, a referral, an introduction an interview, or even to be considered for a job, people are likely to say, “Let’s talk.”

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